Ways to Eliminate a Kill Stealer on Maplestory
Ever been frustrated or angry having a "Kser" or possibly a "Kill Stealer"? Need to level up quickly? Cannot eliminate them? Here are some strategies and some ideas and approaches to doing away with them. This guide is fitted to be able to eliminate a "Kser" on the MMORPG Maplestory. If you are in need of cheap MapleStory Mesos but would rather to use money to get some for convenience, you’ve come to the right place: U4GM.com, a trustworthy trading site.

1. Wait. They may not normally be there to kill steal. They may be checking to determine in the event the portal's full. In the event you say "CC please" (Modify Channel please) the minute they enter, they may really feel aggravated and want to Kill steal you much more.

2. Ask politely for them to Modify Channels. In case you have established that they're certainly KSing you, ask them politely to modify channels. They might feel you don't thoughts and getting rude will aggravate them.

3. Ignore them. If they may be insulting you or throwing you rude comments, ignore them absolutely.

4. Remove them. If they refuse to leave at all and also you need to have to acquire rid of them rapidly, attempt with among the following strategies.

5. Blacklist them. Especially if they are tracking you and following you around. When you blacklist them, they cannot track you. If they're still following you, play a different character for any while. Go into a dungeon or go someplace they're going to unquestionably die like Massive Foot, or get lost such as Crimson Wood.

6. Remain on the map longer. Some KSers will disconnect, get bored, or have to leave. The longer you stay on, the extra probably chances the other will leave sooner.

7. If all else fails, accept defeat. Accept the truth that you cannot win each time and Modify Channels. https://www.u4gm.com/maplestory-mesos

1. Wait. They may not normally be there to kill steal. They may be checking to determine in the event the portal's full. In the event you say "CC please" (Modify Channel please) the minute they enter, they may really feel aggravated and want to Kill steal you much more.

2. Ask politely for them to Modify Channels. In case you have established that they're certainly KSing you, ask them politely to modify channels. They might feel you don't thoughts and getting rude will aggravate them.

3. Ignore them. If they may be insulting you or throwing you rude comments, ignore them absolutely.

4. Remove them. If they refuse to leave at all and also you need to have to acquire rid of them rapidly, attempt with among the following strategies.
- Cause it out with them Be polite, talk it out try to cause with them. From time to time KSers are sensible. Ask why they're cursing you and see if all they require is often a "I'm sorry"
- Befriend them. Even though can be difficult, continuing getting nice to them may well make them a lot more prepared to leave you alone.
- Invite them. If the cursor is actually a particular person weaker than you, make a celebration and invite him. You can some experience, and you may enable each other to level!
- Be creepy. While an odd tactic, being creepy may well make the KSer really feel uncomfortable and want to willingly leave. Acting over flamboyant seems to create a lot of male KSers uncomfortable easily. Even if they may be creepy back, go together with the flow. Go ahead, be a Troll.
- Confuse them. Doing contradictory things may confuse them. By way of example, asking them to Modify Channels and defaming them, then later sending them pal requests, facebook, e-mail, name or something private will possibly confuse them.
- Reverse Psychology. Some KSers are there just to KS. Reverse psychology, even though may perhaps appear childish might certainly work. Saying things including "kill more quickly, please" and continuing to say "faster" might belittle their actions and they may really feel the require to leave.
- Be Annoying. Do not be too mean, just say seriously annoying factors.
- Leach off of them. If they're stronger than you, use that for your benefit. Hit each monster sometimes, at the very least after or twice (based on HP amount) after which move on without the need of killing. You'll a minimum of receive some EXP without having to do any actual function.
- Kill steal back. For anyone who is stronger than them, make an effort to do the exact same to them.Group attacks perform greatest so the entire map is covered. Receiving additional members from your party, guild, buddies, or alternate stronger characters can assist you kill steal back. This can be a bit risky, as you could get defamed.

5. Blacklist them. Especially if they are tracking you and following you around. When you blacklist them, they cannot track you. If they're still following you, play a different character for any while. Go into a dungeon or go someplace they're going to unquestionably die like Massive Foot, or get lost such as Crimson Wood.

6. Remain on the map longer. Some KSers will disconnect, get bored, or have to leave. The longer you stay on, the extra probably chances the other will leave sooner.

7. If all else fails, accept defeat. Accept the truth that you cannot win each time and Modify Channels. https://www.u4gm.com/maplestory-mesos
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