TERA: What You Can Get With Fashion Coupon?

I want to talk about something that you guys really gonna enjoy. Why not make a character look great? So I want to show you exactly where you can get those fashion coupons. Because this is a freeway that you can actually form to get some swag up for your armor and weapon skins. Let’s go ahead and see exactly what you can get with this fashion coupon and then where we can form them. So you can get the most out of it now. Besides, if you are in need of gold, you can buy cheap Tera Gold on U4GM. And, you should read more to learn some useful tips on TERA.

Keep in mind, this guide is for someone who is already at level 65. You should power level, so you can get it as soon as possible because you can get fashion coupon from before getting level 65. So I’m gonna show you exactly how you can get them at level 65. I went to the island of down and I tie myself from one hour of farming the BA and so you have to kill the beat the biggest monster in order to drop those fashion coupons every time it does drop. It comes with a pack of ten, however, it’s not every time you’re gonna kill them that the world drop you want, so it is really rng based.

So within this hour, I killed a couple of months are not sure how much exactly but I did drop 110 of fashion coupon within one hour now. In order to help you out and boost up to kill the monster. Because the more you kill, the more chance you have to drop those fashion coupons. Every time he does drop a group green like this one show, it will give you a boost for sixty seconds which honestly will kill the monster very fast

Because the faster you kill the mob, the faster you can drop the food fashion coupon. So the timing is really going the fast pace as possible. Widows green it will help you a lot if you need help grab the health potion and as well Bradley like the mana globe. I did run in the beginning but when you play properly brawler, you don’t need mana and you don’t need help but with those green, it is mandatory for sixty-second every time you pick it up you’re gonna be way stronger and you kill your mob faster. So this is the number one thing that you need to do as well, don’t forget to put all the crystal and drink the potion if you’re an elite member.

If you do not go buy it any trader broker so that way you’re gonna have the highest kill per hour and that way you would drop as soon as some fashion coupons. While farming in the island of down, I realized I dropped a lot of complete crystal vine, this is very important. Because as soon as you hit the higher level, the crystal will cost more. And you don’t lose them if you die by accident and a dungeon or somewhere like that. So with the complete crystal bind, it will give you 12 hour of gameplay.

Only in the gameplay is not real time so twelve hours while you playing Tera. If you die, it will protect your crystal. Then, it will save you so much money and I drop a lot of them during this one hour of testing for fashioned farming. So I’d add in bonus like toward your fashion coupon. Because you’re gonna get the complete crystal but that will protect your crystal, so it’s a very simple go ahead go to the island of down and kill those mob. I started the easiest one but the harder one, it gonna take you more time to kill them and the drop rate will be very similar, so that’s why I have suggested you go to Island of them and kill the easiest monster that you can go ahead and do it as fast as possible.


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