TERA: How to Reach Level 65 as Fast as Possible?

Today we will talk about "How to reach level 65 as fast as possible?". This guide assumes you meet a minimum skill level and have somewhat adequate funding/gold. You might still choose to follow this guide if you are new, though you may suffer from problems like dying repeatedly or not having enough Tera gold to level skills.

It is pretty simple, just follow the steps below (doesn't matter if you are in a party or alone, Kaia should be OP. If you lack Tera gold, welcome to U4GM.com, you have come to the right place for all your gaming needs. Are you sick and tired of grinding away to get what you want? We will offer you cheap Tera gold, and we pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service.

- Level up to 20 via the main quest
- 2x Bastion
- 2x Sinestral Manor
- 2x Saravash
- 2x Cultist Refugee
- 1x Nekro finish
- Repeat Nekro and clear the dungeon EXCEPT for the last boss -> do you have enough EXP to reach the next dungeon when killing it?
Yes -> Kill it with fire! No -> Reset

- 1x Golden Laby finish
- Repeat Laby and clear the dungeon EXCEPT for the last boss -> do you have enough EXP to reach the next dungeon when killing it?
Yes -> Kill it with fire! No -> Reset

- 1-2x Skygarden (not too sure about how much EXP you gain, cancel as soon you are able to enter the tower)
- 1x Ebontower
- Main quests at level 60 (skycruiser ship thingy)
- Reach level 61 with Manayas (finish) and main quests
- Reach level 63 with Sabex, Manayas (finish), Sabex and main quests (don't finish Sabex and remember the side quests at trading outpost)
- Reach level 65 with Sabex and Catacombs in turns (if you are able to reach level 65 with the next 2 runs each, finish the dungeons, otherwise DON'T finish)

The whole thing is based around the assumption that Kaias will count for the first two CLEARS. I am not 100% sure but pretty positive about it since the same mechanic is used for "Skilled" and achievements. They won't implement something new just for this. Don't step into Corpus or Balders, those dungeons yield very low EXP and no H-quest (thanks to Miriam).


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